This was definitely the most anticipated book of the year for me. I absolutely fell in love with this series and the characters! Of the three books I think this was my least favorite, but that is because it was so bittersweet seeing it come to an end. Don't get me wrong though, the book was amazing, the whole trilogy is! Unlike some series, where it seems like the author just needed to finish so the final book never meets expectations (which trust me, happens to me all the time when it comes to series), I actually enjoyed Mockingjay. It was so bittersweet to see this come to an end, but since it must, I accept this end. Collins' writing takes the reader right into the world of Panem. I felt for each of the characters, and I'll admit, I got choked up at the end. Mockingjay was an intense read that kept me going until the last page. I absolutely love this series, it is definitely one of my all time favorites, and I highly recommend it to everyone!
♥ Allie
Omg, I think that's idiotic. The books is not saying violence is okey, it's saying how wrong it is! Read the book before you say anything about it! The book might be vary graphic, but I think it's up to every reader to decide if it's too much. Banning the book won't help anything.