Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Hello to anyone who has happened upon The Book Cafe! My name is Allie and my co-blogger is Stevi. We are the managers, or baristas if you will, of this blog :)
The Book Cafe has so much potential, and it can be fully achieved with the help of loyal readers, such as yourself. We look forward to reading and discussing books, among other things, with you. Here you will find YA book reviews, recipes to go with your book choices, some games and contests, great conversation, and much much more! We hope you enjoy and keep coming back for more!!! :)


  1. Hey! im really looking forward to what you have to offer!!

  2. thank you so much for your support and spread the word! the more people we have following us and participating in discussions/giving feedback the more fun we can have with this, and be able to have games/contests/prizes :D
